Package ti.chimera.registry

Interface Summary
NodeContract A NodeContract establishes what sorts of values can be stored in a node in the registry.
NodeCreationSubscriber Interface implemented by subscribers to the creation of a node.
NodeDeletionSubscriber Interface implemented by subscribers to the creation of a node.
NodeSubscriber Interface implemented by subscribers to the value of a node.

Class Summary
AndNodeContract A node contract that is composed of multiple other contracts using the and (&&) operator.
DirectoryTable A directory node is simply a regular node whose contents is a directory table.
ImmutableNodeContract A NodeContract which will not allow the node's value to be changed.
Node Base class for a node in the tree.
NodeCreationSubscriber.ScriptFunctionNodeCreationSubscriber An implementation of the NodeCreationSubscriber for script functions.
NodeDeletionSubscriber.ScriptFunctionNodeDeletionSubscriber An implementation of the NodeDeletionSubscriber for script functions.
NodeSubscriber.ScriptFunctionNodeSubscriber An implementation of the NodeSubscriber for script functions.
NodeSubscriberAdapter An adapter class that implements NodeCreationSubscriber, NodeDeletionSubscriber, and NodeSubscriber.
OrNodeContract A node contract that is composed of multiple other contracts using the or (||) operator.
PersistentNode A node that persistently stores its value.
RegistryCore The implementation of the "core" registry API.
RegistryCore.DirectoryNode A directory-node.
RegistryTreeModel A tree model for a subtree of the registry.
RegistryTreeModel.RegistryTreeCellRenderer A TreeCellRenderer that uses the icons set with #setFileIcon.
SwingNodeSubscriber A node subscriber decorator that calls the wrapped subscriber (ns) from the context of the Swing/AWT Event Thread.
TypeNodeContract A NodeContract which enforces that a value is an instanceof a specified class.

Exception Summary
RegistryException Thrown for registry related errors...